Interesting cases related to cardiac arrhythmias
Cardiology residents and subspecialty fellows are invited to submit an interesting case related to cardiac arrhythmias for presentation at the 17th International Winter Arrhythmia School (IWAS).
Submissions will be accepted in the form of abstracts. Five finalists will be chosen to present their cases at this year’s IWAS
Finalists must be available to travel to Collingwood, Ontario on February 6 to 9, 2020. IWAS is pleased to waive the authors’ registration fee and provide support for accommodations (1 night in a single room, 2 nights in a double occupancy room).
Submission guidelines:
- Please submit your cases as a ~500 words double-spaced abstract in Microsoft Word or PDF format
- Submitted cases must have educational value and must be related to cardiac arrhythmias
- Clearly identify your teaching points and take-away message. All final presentations will be required to have one or more “take-home points” relevant to a practicing cardiologist
- You may include graphics with your submission in the same document (maximum of 2 tables and/or figures total)
Deadline to submit:
January 6, 2020
Submissions must be sent to; you will receive a confirmation email after your abstract has been received.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at